Keep the North-East Zone of Your Home Free from Clutter The north-east zone of your home is highly important in Vastu Shastra. To maintain positive energy, it is essential to [...]
Remedies for a Better Life Maintain the North-East Zone Keep it clutter-free. Avoid red and yellow colors in this area. Respect Service Providers Show gratitude by giving food, gifts, money, [...]
Boost your career and professional success with these effective Vastu remedies: Photo Placement in South-West Place your own photograph in the south-west direction of your room, home, or office. This [...]
Remedies For You Keep the North-East Zone of Your Home Clutter-Free Ensure the North-East zone of your home remains clear and free from clutter. Avoid using red and yellow colors [...]
Remedies in English Keep the North-East Zone Clutter-Free Ensure that the north-east (Ishaan Kon) zone of your home is free from clutter. Avoid using red and yellow colors in this [...]
Want to know how to achieve romantic bliss in 2023? Check out your yearly love horoscope by well-known Astrologer and Life Coach Anil Gupta, Founder of Astrologistar. If you’re looking [...]
Manglik dosh takes place in a horoscope when planet Mars is placed in any of the five houses which are 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th. Due to this placement, [...]
We know that sound is an important form of energy. And our ancestors knew that how to use sound energy intelligently and therefore they devised mantras or the sacred hymns. [...]
Animals and planets are connected in a very amazing manner. In Indian traditions, it is believed many animals represent many gods and if one takes care of them and worship [...]
We all want huge amount of money and we do our level best for that, but sometimes we fail to get desired amount of money. Following are some remedies, [...]